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Exclusive 8 Week Test Prep Program

Students Taking Exams

We're seeking 6 highly motivated
students to join our next ACT/SAT/PSAT Success Group!

Want more info? Fill out your contact info below and our office will be in touch.


Next class begins Tuesday, September 12, 2023 - just in time for the October ACT and November SAT!

This class will prep students for the upcoming Fall SAT, ACT, AND PSATs!

Sign up by September 1 for a Tuition Discount!

re you worried about the SAT going digital for Spring 2024? This class is a great way to get your best score in Fall without having to re-take it in the Spring!

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Thinque Prep is proud to once again host its acclaimed test preparation class. While other (shorter) classes only have time to focus on "test hacks," we take the time to delve into the foundations of reading, writing, grammar, and mathematics so that students can develop the skills to succeed on both the SAT/PSAT and ACT.


Hiro M. is the designated teacher for this recurring group class and the creator of its primary curriculum: The Category Method.  


Our class size is capped to 6 students per session so that students receive plenty of one-on-one support.

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Hi! My name is Hiro. Nice to meet you!

I am one of the SAT/ACT tutors at ThinquePrep. 

I've been teaching for almost a decade now. That means I've had a decade to learn how to be a better, effective tutor. :) Not that my alma mater matters, but I grew up in Orange County, CA prior to attending Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. They say it can get cold, but boy, that polar vortex was something... After graduating and working in some office desk job, I realized that I liked interacting with people instead of staring at a computer screen. That's how I got into tutoring.
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During that time, I've had the opportunities of working for a couple of other test prep companies. I'll be honest - many are not worth the price ($3000+) with a crazy amount of your tuition going towards "Administrative Overhead." Some of those test-prep companies simply hire college students that haven't had any previous experience in teaching. Some tutoring prep companies are using outdated material  - like going over vocabulary words (hint: they're not that important anymore). Kinda messed up, isn't it?

That's why I joined my now-colleague Joyee at Thinque Prep.

We learned that students don't learn as well in a large classroom setting. We also know that one-on-one tutoring is financially unfeasible for many families.

We found that the sweet-spot is in a small-group setting of about 6 students. It still forces students to participate attentively while improving the accessibility  of our tutoring sessions to more students.

We know that our method works for most students and the results have been incredible!


Benefits of Joining Our Small Group Classes


30+ hours of instruction and review

Covers Content for both the SAT/PSAT and ACT

Official, full-length practice exams

The Category Method

Many of us wired for categorization. It helps students memorize different rules, formulas, skills, theorems, etc. Cramming might work for a chapter exam covering 4-5 hours worth of knowledge... But what if we have to cover way more than that? Hiro M. has created the Category Method to help your student navigate test concepts more efficiently.

There are, basically, three steps to this way of learning.


Step 1
Identify the Category

This is the most important step. It's similar to looking at the table of contents, but for the SAT/ACT topics. We're going to ask the students to verbally say the category name aloud. Speaking will get the students activate a different part of the brain to retain that information better. We'd like to think that students are creating a "file folder" in their brain to get organized before the learning takes place.


Step 2

Explore the Category

This is where the learning for those topics occurs. Learn the general rules, formulas, and skills to apply to the questions. Learn the details here. We might throw in some helpful tricks that's relevant! And throughout the lesson, we keep repeating the name of the category.


Step 3
Apply the Category
Once we have mastered a few of the categories, we'll go over some sample problems. We'll ask you which category or categories you need to apply to solve the problem. Even if the question is particularly challenging, the students won't freeze and panic with this method. They know that they can get to the answer - as long as they apply the categorized knowledge!

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From our Families

"I've sent all four of my kids to participate in their summer program. I would gladly recommend this course to anybody who asks."


—  Amor P.

Why Join ThinquePrep’s Group Classes? 

  • Instead of focusing on “test hacks,” we take the time to establish the foundations necessary to excel on the test and for college readiness. Most post-pandemic High Schoolers have experienced deficits in their algebra and reading foundations. This class can help!
  • Class size average of 6 students - this means students benefit from the structure of a classroom PLUS the one-on-one support of an experienced instructor
  • Our teachers are experienced full-time educators! (not part-time college students working a side gig)
  • Bonus: All teachers are overseen by and directly report to Joey L. The Perfect Score Tutor!

Live Instruction
(Hybrid: Students may attend in person or on Zoom)
Bonus: All meetings will be recorded!

Scheduled Dates
September 12 - November 2

Class Meetings

Tues/Thurs 5:00pm -7:00PM

Practice Exams**
Sat or Sun: 10:00 AM - 1:15 PM

Individual Drop-in Hours
Sunday 2:00PM-4:00 PM

All times in Pacific TIme

How it Works

  • Prior to August 21st, the student will take a full-length diagnostics exam that are held Saturdays and Sundays 10am-1pm - asynchronous options are also available!
  • Meet your expert tutor 2x per week in-person at our tutoring center in Lake Forest, CA or online via Zoom
  • Learn the material covered on the test and how to strategically approach test questions
  • Level up by completing targeting assignments between classes
  • Complete at least 2 more weekend practice exams to monitor the student's progress
  • Attend drop-in hours held every Saturday afternoons to get quick one-on-one help.
  • Review your exams and watch your scores improve! 
*Includes materials & fees

$1500 for students who signs up on or after September 1.

$1350 for students who signs up by September 1.

$150 additional discount is offered to

each friend who signs up together!

Scholarships and tuition aid for this program are available.  Please click here to complete our scholarship form. 

Reserve My Seat
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Contact Us

Call or text (949) 563-1009

23792 Rockfield Blvd.

Suite 140

Lake Forest, CA 92630

** The SAT®, ACT, and Advanced Placement® courses are independent trademarks not affiliated with ThinquePrep.

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